Like a diamond set in a jewel, a corner of earthly paradise, a naturalistic heritage of immeasurable value: the Cavagrande del Cassibile Nature Reserve.
The extensive karst plateaus of the Iblei Mountains characterize the landscape of the southeastern tip of Sicily, straddling the provinces of Ragusa and Syracuse.
It is above all in the latter that the plateau takes on spectacular aspects due to the presence of deep fractures, called "caves", which furrow the edges.
These are canyons produced by the erosion of the waterways that flow still their bottom, sometimes with a superb appearance as happens in the case of the Cavagrande del Cassibile Nature Reserve, one of the most majestic and evocative, today protected as a nature reserve, it was the seat in the Palaeolithic era of inhabited settlements.
Cava Grande is almost totally known for the small lakes that can be reached from the “scala cruci” path from belvedere descends to the valley floor. This approximately 2.5 km long route winds through hairpin bends and steep stairs with a total height difference of about 250 meters.
Visitors will have the opportunity to go down directly to the area of the wonderful lakes with a stop to refresh themselves and bath in the clear water of the quarry.

Route info:
length: about 5 km
difficulty: medium
travel time: about 6 hours
uphill and downhill altitude difference: 250 mt
clothing: trekking shoes and windbreaker.
Like a diamond set in a jewel, a corner of earthly paradise, a heritage
naturalistic of immeasurable value: the oriented nature reserve
Contact us for more info and costs, download the booking form
Tel. +39 095 7901081; cell. +39 393 1854236 - +39 347 7865456